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Portals designed with your employees in mind

Engage employees with a customizable, user-friendly, and educational experience. 

Simplify voluntary benefits administration

Our intuitive, innovative client portals allow you to provide an easy-to-use, secure experience for your employees.

White-labeled brand experience

White-labeled to mimic your organization’s brand, ensuring a seamless experience for employees. The portal experience and enrollment accessibility adapt to your open enrollment periods and employee qualified events.

Transparency and insight

Employees can conveniently browse and search across different product categories. A summary of their elected benefits and payroll deduction amounts is available 24/7.

High-tech user experience

Single sign-on capability allows employees to access benefits without having to repeatedly input log-in credentials. Employees enjoy a responsive user experience on their mobile or desktop devices, giving them access from anywhere.

Top-notch security

Built and managed 100% in-house with proprietary technology, ensuring agile development and high-security levels. You can trust Corestream to follow strict privacy and security protocols and practices.


Loaded with easy-to-follow product descriptions and sign-up/enrollment directions. Flyers, videos, brochures, and infographics help employees make informed decisions and encourage benefit enrollment and usage.

Click, Learn, Enroll

Employees feel familiar in Corestream portals because they are designed with our clients' brands in mind. When implemented, single sign-on allows them to navigate seamlessly and browse through a simple and effective user interface.

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