Discounts and perks

Offer your employees exclusive premium perks and priceless savings on brands they know and love — deals they can’t find anywhere else.

carefully curated

Hand-picked just for them

Empower your employees with exciting discounts from top brands in travel, entertainment, tech, auto, and more. We continuously add fresh finds, giving your team new ways to save. Plus, our program easily integrates with your current benefits program, creating a central hub for easy access to all these valuable perks.









trusted retailers

From brands they trust

From trusted retailers like Disney, Apple, GE, and Avis, we thoroughly vet and negotiate reliable, cost-effective deals. And you can always request custom offers to meet your team's specific needs.

Typical savings


Hotel & Travel


Theme Parks & Attractions


Automotive Purchases


Mobile Plans


Child Care & Elder Care

More than savings

It's a win-win

Our discount program doesn't just save your employees money — it drives engagement and retention:

Year-round Excitement:
Regular updates keep employees coming back to check for new deals.

Personalized Experience:
Tailored offers based on employee interests — like local deals.

Easy Access:
User-friendly platform encourages frequent use and exploration

Tangible Value:
Savings on everyday purchases reinforce the value of working for your company.

Request a demo ➜

Become a discount partner

Are you interested in showcasing your products or services to millions of employees? Join our network of trusted companies offering exclusive discounts. By partnering with us, you'll gain access to a vast audience of potential customers while providing valuable savings.

Learn more ➜

“I overhear our associates talking about the various savings they received and how impactful it was for them and their families. Whether it was on auto & home, laptops, or cell phones, they go a long way."

Sarah K.

Marketing Specialist

Ready to delight your employees and strengthen your company culture?